Menus and Controls
Browsers have menus and control buttons that can be accessed using
mouse buttons. The following image shows typical menus and a set of
control buttons (and the present URL
address that the browser is accessing):

These menus are called "pull-down menus",
because when you hold the mouse button down on an item in the main
menu a sub-menu is "pulled down" displaying a variety
of choices.
Pulldown Menus for Browser Functions
example, the adjacent image from Internet Explorer
shows the pulldown submenu associated with the "Edit"
menu item. Select a choice from the submenu by holding the mouse
key down and moving the pointer to the desired item, and then releasing
the mouse key.
Actions on the submenu that are possible at a given time are in
dark print; actions that cannot be performed at that time are shown
in lighter or "grayed out" print. In the adjacent example, "Copy",
"Select All", and "Find" are available actions, while "Cut" and
"Paste" are not possible at present for the document being displayed.
Keyboard Shortcuts
that browser
functions may also have a keyboard shortcut defined. It is useful
to memorize some of these keyboard shortcuts, since they can usually
be implemented faster than using the mouse to select from the menu.
However, the exact keyboard shortcut for a command is often browser
Again, these will be different in the Netscape or Macintosh browsers.
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