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The File Menu

The "File" pulldown menu has the entries shown in the following figure for the Windows version of Explorer 5.0.

New: Opens a new window for the browser, leaving any windows already open intact. It also leads to submenus for sending messages and posting to new groups.

Open: Opens a new URL address for the browser.

Edit with Microsoft Word for Windows: Opens the web page inside the Microsoft Word program.

Save: Saves Changes.

Save As: Saves the presently displayed document.

Page Setup: Sets up the printer and gives you various options as to how you want your page to print.

Print: Prints the displayed page.

Send: Sends copy of the presently displayed document as a page, a link or a shortcut to your desktop.

Import and Export: Allows you to transfer information about you (favorite links, etc.) to and from another computer.

Properties: Shows information about the displayed page.

Work Offline: Allows you to temporarily view Web pages without being connected to the Internet.

Close: Closes the browser window.

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