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Parties at the YMCA

The YMCA can be rented for birthday parties, family reunions, wedding or baby showers, school family nights, receptions or company functions. The pool is available for recreational swimming along w/ a party area for refreshments.

Room for two hours - $40.00 (15 guests)
Room and pool - $60.00 (15 guests)

Rentals for special occasions call 872-9622 for rates.

· $10.00 non-refundable deposit to hold your reservation.
· Reservations should be made 2 weeks in advance.
· Birthday parties are schedules for Friday evenings and Saturday afternoons.

SCUBA DO Pool Party Option

Your child can have the birthday experience of a lifetime with the YMCA’s new SCUBA DO birthday

SCUBA DO is a surface air snorkeling unit which looks like regular scuba units - but is safer. Turn your next pool party into a SCUBA DO party! Each child will receive instruction on the use of the SCUBA-DO unit, and a minimum of 10 minutes of SCUBA-DO time as part of the overall free pool time. In addition, the birthday boy/girl will receive a special SCUBA-Do T-shirt.

$105.00 (15 children)
$7.00 for each additional child


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